Sept 8th @ Toronto International Nollywood Film Festival | Sept 13th to 20th @ Oscar Qualifying Screening in Los Angeles | Sept 16th to 30th @ ⁠DC South Asian Film Festival (Virtual) | Sept 21st @ Toronto Tamil Film Festival | Sept 25th to 29th @ International South Asian Film Festival | Oct 21st to 27th @ Micheaux Film Festival Ray of Hope May 5th Gala Dinner Sept 8th @ Toronto International Nollywood Film Festival | Sept 13th to 20th @ Oscar Qualifying Screening in Los Angeles | Sept 16th to 30th @ ⁠DC South Asian Film Festival (Virtual) | Sept 21st @ Toronto Tamil Film Festival | Sept 25th to 29th @ International South Asian Film Festival | Oct 21st to 27th @ Micheaux Film Festival Ray of Hope May 5th Gala Dinner Sept 8th @ Toronto International Nollywood Film Festival | Sept 13th to 20th @ Oscar Qualifying Screening in Los Angeles | Sept 16th to 30th @ ⁠DC South Asian Film Festival (Virtual) | Sept 21st @ Toronto Tamil Film Festival | Sept 25th to 29th @ International South Asian Film Festival | Oct 21st to 27th @ Micheaux Film Festival Ray of Hope May 5th Gala Dinner
May 9, 2024

Variety Magazine

Ryan Singh‘s directorial debut, documentary “Ray of Hope,” will premiere at Canada’s Cineplex chain for a limited one-week run from May 10.

January 11, 2023

BK On The Scene

Trailblazing Former MP Rathika Sitsabaiesan Documentary Film “Ray Of Hope” To Go Into Production.

January 12, 2023

Broadcast Dialogue

Michelle van Beusekom has been named the new President and CEO of British Columbia public broadcaster, Knowledge Network.

January 11, 2023

Canada News Media

Trailblazing former MP Rathika Sitsabaiesan documentary film “Ray Of Hope” To Go Into Production

January 11, 2023


Producer Ryan Singh, former MP collaborate on documentary Ray of Hope will be directed by Singh and filmed in Canada, France, Switzerland and Sri Lanka.
January 16, 2023

Real Life Matters Talk Show

Real Life Matters DBoss with Former Canadian MP Rathika Sitsabaiesan Documentary Film “Ray Of Hope

January 12, 2023

World Wide Entertainment TV

Michelle van Beusekom has been named the new President and CEO of British Columbia public broadcaster, Knowledge Network.

Behind the Scenes

Message from CTCJA & CTCEO

“The Tamil people are being disenfranchised and victimized by the Sri Lanka authorities. This injustice must stop. The Tamil people must be allowed to live in peace and flourish in their homeland.” Prof. Elie Wiesel To highlight the significance of Wiesel’s vision, Canadian filmmaker Ryan Singh, who migrated from Guyana has produced a documentary titled RAY OF HOPE, bringing global attention to the Tamil cause. The commitment of “never again” made after the horrors of Nazi torture camps is tested as modern atrocities unfold, like those during the Mullivaikkal genocide, under the watchful eyes of the world. The cries of the Tamil diaspora, echoing the unspeakable sufferings of their kins back home, serve as a stark reminder of these injustices. The heart-wrenching scenes from places like Palestine, where humans endure unimaginable torture, resonate deeply with us. As Tamils, having witnessed extensive human suffering, we feel a profound duty to voice out against any form of genocide and advocate for human rights, peace, and harmony globally. The documentary, inspired by Ryan Singh’s transformative journey to Sri Lanka alongside former Canadian Member of Parliament, Rathika Sitsabaiesan, reflects on the Tamil identity and their struggles for justice. It aims to shed light on the enforced disappearances and the larger narrative of human rights violations. This film has been created independently by Singh without political influence. The documentary RAY OF HOPE reveals the ongoing ethnic cleansing in Sri Lanka’s North-East, aiming to make this issue known worldwide. It stands as a testament to the resilience and hope of the Tamil community in these dark times, especially as it premieres during the 15th commemoration of the massacre in Mullivaikkal that continued the genocide of the Tamil nation. This documentary is a beacon, proving that light can indeed emerge from darkness.

The collective effort behind this film has been warmly received by both the Canadian Tamil community and the Canadian Tamil Cinema Enhancement Organization. In recognition of their significant contribution, a special appreciation event is scheduled for May 5, 2024, to honor the documentary team. Dignitaries from the Canadian Parliament, Ontario Provincial Parliament and members of five city councils are invited to this event. We, representing our community and pride, extend our heartfelt invitation to support this event, uniting to acknowledge our shared history and responsibilities. This message comes from the collaborative efforts of Canadian Tamil Cinema Enhancement Organization and the Canadian Tamil Coalition for Justice and Accountability. Organized by: Mukuntha Murali, Thushyanthan Iratnaraja, Gnanam Antony, Thirunanthi, Thirumurugavendan. Coordinated by: Roy Vickinaraja, Mariyarasa Mariyampillai Board of Directors of CTCEO: Arun Sivakumaran, Mathivasan, Mukundamurali, Rathan, V.Thivyararajan

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